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Thursday 27 December 2012

Contact with Extra-Terrestrial life within 12 years


Contact with Aliens likely within 12 years

Humans could make contact with alien life within 12 years, with the aid of the world’s largest radio telescope, a leading UFO expert has claimed.
One of the key questions whether extra-terrestrial life exists, could be answered by 2024 with the development of a supersized £1.3 billion radio telescope, the Daily Express reported.
The development of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope will unleash “new and exciting possibilities”, according to former UK ministry of defence UFO project leader Nick Pope.
“I will be controversial and give you an exact year of when I believe first confirmation of contact will be made and that is 2024, the year in which if everything goes according to plan the Square Kilometre Array will be fully operational,” said Pope, who studied UFO sightings for 21 years.
The SKA, to be started in 2016, is set to be the world’s largest radio telescope and will answer some of the fundamental unanswered questions of our universe.
Made up of thousands of radio wave receptors covering 4,921 square km of the Earth’s surface in the Australian outback, scientists have claimed it will provide alternative views of the universe than those seen with optical telescopes.
Scientists leading its development have suggested the SKA will be 50 times more sensitive, and will survey the sky 10,000 times faster, than any other telescope.


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